opac, catalogo, servizi, biblioteca, utente, bi.G.met., Biblioteche Genova Metropolitana, Genova, Provincia di Genova, Sistema Bibliotecario Urbano

The Cambridge guide to English usage

Peters, Pam



- based on extensive, up-to-date corpus data - truly international in scope - differentiates clearly between varieties, and between traditional and present-day preferences - accessibly written, for easy use by anybody concerned with accurate communication in English - covers 4,000 key points of word meaning, spelling, grammar and punctuation - provides guidance on inclusive language - offers advice on effective writing and argument - explains grammatical terminology - includes topics in electronic communication and the internet In quarta di copertina This book is an indispensible new A-Z reference to English usage for the twenty-first century. It covers more than 4,000 points of word meaning, spelling, punctuation, grammar and style on which students, teachers, writers and editors regularly seek guidance. It also addresses larger issues of inclusive language, and effective writing and argument, and provides guidance on grammatical terminology. Based on large international corpora, it describes and differentiates between US, UK, Canadian and Australian usage and offers up-to-date, objective advice in readable, accessible terms.
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